About 15 years ago, Marc Andreessen gave birth to Netscape, one of the first web browsers which dominated the early years of Internet until its complete disappearance around 2002. Since then, we have seen dozens of new browsers compete in a never-ending battle.
In July 2009, the usage shares of browsers worldwide was:
- Internet Explorer (67.68%)
- Mozilla Firefox (22.47%)
- Safari (4.07%)
- Google Chrome (2.59%)
- Opera (1.97%)
- Others (1.22%)
In the NY Times article of August 13th, Marc Andreessen announces he has been supporting a project co-founded by two former colleagues of his, Eric Vishria and Tim Howes : RockMelt.
According to him, other browsers have not been able to keep up with the evolution of Internet and web browsing. What used to be a huge index of static pages has now become a complete network of dynamic pages blended with social networks, applications, user generated content and so on. The only way to build a browser capable of integrating all these key elements is to start again from scratch.
We know for a fact that Mr. Andreessen is serving as a director for Facebook, which would lead us to think that the social network could be integrated into this browser via Facebook Connect.
The information available about this new browser is quite limited at the moment but you can signup to receive updates directly on their website RockMelt.com
I suppose we'll hear a lot more in the upcoming months as it does mention "coming soon" on their site!
As far as I'm concerned, I am actually quite surprised this hasn't been done earlier. I guess it's better late than never!
1 great comments!:
Since when Netscape disappeared? What do you think Mozilla is? Do you think FireFox is a new codebase? How Naive. It is just repainting the hood on top of old engine.
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