We Are Hunted - The Online Music Chart

With Last.fm stopping its free music listening service (at least in Australia) and with the French Deezer.com or the popular Pandora.com limiting their service to a few European countries or the USA, there aren't so many options for Australian residents to listen to some streaming music.

One of those few options is the website we are hunted. Naming themselves "The online music chart", it regroups the 99 most popular songs of the moment, regardless of the music genre. You can browse all the songs or artists on the charts and by week or month.

Listening to the latest songs is possible when clicking on the artist/song image.
You can also access the description page of each artist and follow recent articles about each of them, or check out their popularity chart evolve.

I tend to log once a week to discover the latest "hits".
If you have a site or blog that talks about music, don't hesitate to submit it in their "Add your blog" page . "We Are Hunted is always on the look out for great Music News from around the web. Submit your RSS feed, and we will do the rest."

Anyway, have good music session on we are hunted!

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